Hyppää pääsisältöön

8th International Tampere Plastic Surgery Fla

O-rakennus, 2. krs, Arkkiatrinkuja 6

Luentoja ja kädentaitoharjoittelua yhdistävä kadaverikurssi, joka käsittää yleisimmät plastiikkakirurgiset kielekkeet ja niiden muunnelmat.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Preliminary Program 2024:

Monday 2.12.2024
08:30-08:50 Registration and coffee

08:50-11:00 Lectures 1:
Opening words and course overview
The versatility of the forearm flap
Anesthesia for free flap surgery
Head and Neck
- Reconstruction of the mandible and maxilla
- Facial nerve reconstruction

11:00-12:00 Lunch (Restaurant Ellipsi) and exhibition

12:00-13:45 Lectures 2:
- Breast reconstruction
- Surgery for breast cancer related lymphedema
- Pelvic floor and genitourinary tract reconstruction
Hand and forearm pedicled and local flaps

13:45-14:15 Coffee and exhibition

14:15-15:30 Lectures 3:
Lower extremity lectures
- Lower extremity reconstructions in orthoplastic setting
- Reconstruction after lower extremity open fracture
Free Flap monitoring

18:00- Get Together at Norlandia Tampere Hotel lobby

Tuesday 3.12.2024
08:00-12:00 Cadaveric dissections at TSEC / Session 1
Hands-on track participants will be dissecting Latissimus dorsi, TDAP, LICAP, scapular/parascapular, serrate fascia/muscle, trapezius muscle, SGAP and LAP flaps.

12:00-13:00 Lunch (Norlandia Hotel Tampere) and exhibition

13:00-16:00 Cadaveric dissections at TSEC / Session 2
Hands-on track participants will be dissecting Supraclavicular, DIEP / ms-TRAM, SIAE, lymph node transfer with groin / SIEA / SCIP flap. Also, the participants will get to practice the exposure of internal mammary vessels for microvascular anastomosis with/without cartilage removal.

Refreshments and exhibition are available at TSEC coffee area during sessions.

19.00- Course Dinner (for Hands-on track only)

Wednesday 4.12.2024
08:00-12:00 Cadaveric dissections at TSEC / Session 3
Hands-on track participants will be dissecting ALT, TFL, Vastus lateralis, gracilis muscle / TMG flaps. The participants also get to practice Medial Condyle/trochlea flap, rectus femoris and Sartorius flaps.

12:00-13:00 Lunch (Norlandia Hotel Tampere) and exhibition

13:00-15:30 Cadaveric dissection at TSEC / Session 4
Hands-on track participants will be dissecting fibula flaps with/without muscle and skin. Also, the participants will get to practice the most common exposures of the lower extremity for microvascular anastomosis and dissecting propeller flaps.

15:30-16:00 Farewell and closing remarks

Refreshments and exhibition are available at TSEC coffee area during sessions.

Kirurgian koulutuskeskus
Yhteyshenkilön nimi
Reita Nyberg
Yhteyshenkilön sähköposti
Yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero