FinnEM2024 konferenssin DISASTER RESPONSE by
Oletko kiinnostunut työskentelystä kansainvälisissä ensihoitotehtävissä katastrofialueilla? WHO:n EMT initiative standardoi kansallisia ensihoitotiimejäympäri maailman . Tule kuulemaan ja oppimaan kokeneiden WHO:n EMT koordinaattoreiden kokemuksista ympäri maailmaa. Tutustu lisää:
The purpose of the EMT initiative is to improve the timeliness and quality of health services provided by national and international Emergency Medical Teams and enhance the capacity of national health systems in leading the activation and coordination of this response in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, outbreak and/or other emergency. Teams shall also include public health expertise and logistics support either included in the team or as specific public health or logistics rapid response teams.
EMTs are an important part of the global health workforce and have a specific role. Any doctor, nurse or paramedic team coming from another country to practice healthcare in an emergency needs to come as a member of a team. That team must have training, quality, equipment and supplies so it can respond with success rather impose a burden on the national system. EMTs must strive for self-sufficiency, meet the minimum standards for EMTs, and a possess the quality of care that is appropriate for the context.
Tilaisuuden ohjelma
13.00-13.30 Orientoituminen, esittäytyminen
13.30-16.30 Ryhmätyöt nk. "table top" -harjoitukset, jossa käydään läpi katastrofialueen ensihoidon ja lääkinnän rakentaminen
16.30-17.00 Loppupalaute
Tieto kouluttajista löytyy tilaisuuden linkistä.