Hyppää pääsisältöön

Sleep Medicine Course


The Sleep Medicine Course organized jointly by the Universities of Helsinki and Turku, in co-operation with Nordic experts, will provide overview and practical tools for phycisians, nurses, psychologists and researchers in the field of sleep medicine and sleep research.

The course combines high quality expertises in sleep research (Sleepwell research program at Helsinki University Medical Faculty) and clinical sleep medicine (Sleep and Breathing Centre at the Turku University Hospital). The teachers are internationally recognized experts on their respective fields, and experienced educatiors.The curriculum has been created and evaluated in reference with the recommendations of the EACCME.

Methods: The course is an e-learning course. The lectures will be given once a month on Wednesday at 16.00 – 18.00 h (Finnish time). Time allocated for each presentation is 60 min. Legal aspects included in presentations when applicaple. The lectures will be offered through Zoom-link (please, see below). Registration for the course is not needed.

Further information: No exams. Upon request, you will receive a certificate of attendance in the end of the semester if you have attended the lectures (tiina.harkonen@helsinki.fi). Please rename yourself in Zoom with first name + last name (do not use nickname/user ID/student number/just first name). Possible changes in the curriculum will be informed at https://www2.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/sleepwell/sleep-school and at https://www.tyks.fi/tietoa-tyksista/tyksin-organisaatio/huippuosaamisyk…

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Curriculum Autumn Term 2023

Wed September 27
1. Theories on the function of sleep; Sleep, learning and memory / PhD Henna-Kaisa Wigren
2. Circadian rhythms / Dr. rer. nat. Vinko Palada

Wed October 18
3. Control of sleep and wakefulness / D.Med.Sc, prof TarjaStenberg
4. Neurophysiology and neurobiology of sleep / D.Med.Sc, prof Tarja Stenberg

Wed November 22
5. The effects on sleep on stress and emotional processing / PhD, prof Anu-Katriina Pesonen
6. Genetics of sleep / D.Med.Sc, prof Tiina Paunio

Wed December 13
7. Sleep development in early childhood / MD, PhD Outi Saarenpää-Heikkilä
8. Sleep and Pain / D.Med.Sc, prof Eija Kalso

Varha, Tyksin Uni- ja hengityskeskus ja Turun yliopisto, Unitutkimuskeskus
Yhteyshenkilön nimi
Nina Vahlman-Sario ja Tiina Härkönen
Yhteyshenkilön sähköposti
Yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero
+358 50 4077 354